Our companies

Wonder Brands

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Wonder Brands launches, acquires and grows e-commerce brands in Latin America.
Nicolas Gonzalez Luna
Why we invested

Infinite Canvas is a publisher for user-generated, creator-led games. Infinite Canvas empowers game developers by providing development, engineering, and monetization support.

"We strive to create a leading portfolio of consumer products at the best possible prices and customer service, becoming the most successful group of digital brands in Spanish-speaking LatAm."
Nicolas Gonzalex Luna
More from the team
"We are LatAm's next-gen brands' powerhouse. We partner with successful companies and entrepreneurs to develop the best consumer brands and sell them in multiple online channels. With operations in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay and Argentina, we are purely focused on Spanish-speaking LatAm."
Nicolas Gonzalex Luna
Experience with Crossbeam
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Wonder Brands team

Contact us

We are always around! We take pride in moving quickly - feel free to reach out at the idea stage or send your suggestions on novel asset classes we should be exploring.
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